We often hear that the choice of safety footwear is one of the simplest PPE choices. And yet, worn for more than 6 hours a day, safety footwear has a real impact on the wearer's well-being.

For many employees, being able to choose from a selection of comfortable, stylish safety shoes is a form of recognition from their company. By being involved in the choice of PPE, the wearer will feel more considered and listened to, which will encourage better ownership of the protective equipment and reduce negative feedback. It's a winning formula for those who know how to decipher and analyse the needs of end users.

Below you will find a selection of content covering our response as PPE professionals on the topics most sought after by people working in your safety and prevention profession.

Choosing the right technology for your safety shoes

Every foot, every person, every way of walking is unique. That's why it's vital to adapt the choice of safety footwear to the person wearing it.

Shoe discomfort can occur when one of the following factors is overlooked: the morphology of the foot, the weight of the wearer, the posture adopted at work, the nature of the environment, as well as poor user practices. The choice of one or more technologies tailored to each employee can make a real difference to their day-to-day comfort and well-being.  

We've condensed all our knowledge into a detailed guide, so you can make the best choice for the people you need to equip.

All you need to know about the materials used in safety footwear

Tout savoir sur les matieres

Nothing is left to chance when making safety shoes. Every material is carefully selected to provide added value in terms of user protection. So how do you make the best choice when it comes to the main material of your employee's safety shoe? That's what we've detailed in this article, listing the advantages and disadvantages so you can make an informed decision.  

Waterproof or water-repellent safety shoes. Which to choose?

Différence entre hydrofuge, étanche et impermeable

The subtleties between impermeable, water-repellent and waterproof safety shoes are not very clear. We get it. And it's not always easy to find your way around all these technical terms. In this article, we've defined and detailed the keys to helping you understand the differences between impermeable, water-repellent and waterproof, and the associated performance tests to keep your staff's feet dry.

You'll know everything you need to know about the subject, so you can respond to any specific equipment requirements!

Hollow feet, flat feet: How do I find the right shoe?

pieds creux pieds plats

As a safety and prevention professional, it can sometimes be complicated to tailor personal protective equipment entirely to the anatomy of the wearer. Every foot is different and requires special attention, so how do you meet this need when it comes to safety footwear? We've written an article specifically designed to meet the equipment needs of people with flat or hollow feet.

Learn how to identify the shape of a flat foot and a hollow foot, and discover the solutions that can offer the wearer optimum comfort.

How do you care for and clean your safety shoes ?

etretenir et nettoyer vos chaussures

Every day, safety shoes are put to a severe test by the wearer's environment. Maintenance and cleaning are key to ensuring the safety of your employees and the durability of your protective equipment over time. What are the best habits to pass on to your teams to look after their safety footwear, both inside and out?

A downloadable summary sheet for your employees to help them keep their shoes well-maintained outside and limit the risk of unpleasant odours and fungal infections inside.

New standard EN ISO 20345: 2022. What has changed?

Nouvelles normes chaussures 2022

Already announced for March 2022, the new version of EN ISO20345: 2022 was officially published a few days ago! We've broken down the main changes for you and what they mean for safety and prevention professionals. In this article, you can read about the requirements imposed by the new version of this standard, the obligations of manufacturers and the timing for implementation.

The little extra? Download the application timetable and the guide summarising the changes to this new EN ISO 20345: 2022 standard free of charge.